If any issue is a hot potato today, a subject that divides people as few others do, it’s the so-called “LGBTQ” (and other variations) Rights. As I write this, the national assembly of one of America’s largest Christian denominations is deliberating the matter—and, regardless of the final vote, strident discord and schism are inevitable.
I, for one, understand that if the state declares itself the supreme arbiter of all matters social and personal, the state can and will legally define, for instance, marriage—as it has. I’m not happy about it and I believe the state has (once again) far overstepped its proper bounds.[1] But, for the time being, as we often ruefully say: it is what it is.
Meanwhile, a number of things deeply concern many of us. We are not being asked to merely tacitly accept same-sex marriage but to proclaim it “good.” Some of us have been intentionally singled out for persecution in our businesses when we do not join the celebration. Parental responsibility for their children has been abrogated in some localities such that abortions and sex-change measures may be provided with neither parental consent nor even parental knowledge! And so the diversity revolution continues.
The Scriptural perspective is, I believe, abundantly clear. It takes a bizarre exegetical end-run to re-define marriage and to bless homosexual activities. But, lest we be branded with the ubiquitous “homophobe” label, we must be excruciatingly self-aware and responsive to our Lord’s requirement to seek the good of all our neighbors. One fundamental goal should be to earn the trust of those who violently oppose us by listening, learning, and asking sensitive questions.
What Godly tactics would you suggest?
[1] The role of the state is summarized in 1 Peter 2:14 …to punish those who do evil and to praise those who do good. (ESV)
The pastor of my church in Myrtle Beach SC, Dr. Jeff Dunn, has had great success in ministry by applying and teaching those under his spiritual authority, that we as Christians should neither “condone nor condem” those entangled in homosexuality but that by our love for them and our love for Christ, “convict” them to seek Christ’s forgiveness and power for help. It sounds simplistic but I saw it change lives, break down walls between God’s children and spread godliness in his congregation.