About Us

With the strong encouragement of numerous friends, we began this endeavor in 2007 with the incorporation of our 501(c)(3) non-profit communications company, Centered, Inc.  Originally we focused on radio broadcasts: first in Norfolk, Virginia, then in a wide variety of Christian broadcasting and commercial markets across the country, and finally on Sirius satellite radio for national exposure.  Our stated goal was: Reasonable Conversations About Life and Faith.

From the beginning, our whole family was involved in the production with music, on-air announcing and program content.

Our first broadcasts were 15-minute monologic programs dealing with a wide variety of topics of general interest to Christians in various situations.  Later, we developed a half-hour interview format with many notable authors.  But, over time, arranging the interviews, reading the authors’ books, recording the interviews, editing the programs, transmitting the weekly broadcasts and, at all times, keeping ahead with fund-raising, was a strain for what had become, essentially, a one-man show.

Consequently, for several years we only kept an informational website though we maintained our corporate registration, our multi-state board of directors and our non-profit status. We were essentially dormant.

Then, in recent days, the rapid moral decline of our society was becoming increasingly distressing.  And finally, the capstone was the passage of laws permitting the murder of children in the womb up to (and perhaps beyond) the moment of birth.  This matter of life and death requires, we believe, not just examination (starting with self-examination) but responsible action.

Today our new stated goal is Reasonable Strategies for Cultural Good.  We have no intention of imposing anything on anyone.  But, with Christ-Centered communications–both in word and in deed–we aspire to benefit our society in every way we can.



Don Belanus, our founder and president, is a native of Prospect Park, New Jersey. He is a graduate of Calvin College (B.A.), Calvin Theological Seminary (M.Div. and Th.M.), and Walden University (Ph.D.). He also studied at the Catholic University of America when he was selected for the Naval Officer Post-Graduate Education Program.  Though he served congregations in New York, Michigan, and Virginia as pastor, he spent most of his ministry as a chaplain in the U.S. Navy from which he retired with the rank of captain.  He is a minister emeritus of the Christian Reformed Church in North America.

He’s appeared on Armed Forces Radio and Television, The Leon Charney Report (WNYE-TV New York), and Good Morning America (ABC-TV).  As a professional consultant he’s provided training, continuing education credit units, and a wide variety of conference presentations to church, law enforcement, Department of Defense, and community service organizations around the nation.